Your partner in research integrity

The Papermill Alarm is the world’s leading tool for detecting organised research fraud across all areas of science. Launched in 2022, the Papermill Alarm was the first commercial tool dedicated to papermill detection. The Papermill Alarm won the 2024 ALPSP award for innovation in publishing.

Read about Clear Skies and the Papermill Alarm in Nature, Science, and The Wall Street Journal. For the latest news, follow our blog and find us on

The Papermill Alarm is comprised of a number of separate tools using a broad range of innovative methods and unique data. We use AI, Large Language Models (LLMs), network analysis and more to find signals consistent with organised research fraud.

A significant and growing problem

We estimate that at least 1.5% of the research literature is produced by papermills.

The Papermill Alarm is available exclusively via a direct subscription to Clear Skies’ services.

Contact us for details.

Subscribe to Clear Skies to receive:

  • Automated alerts when The Papermill Alarm detects signs of research fraud in newly published papers. Subscribing publishers also receive alerts when new submissions trigger The Papermill Alarm: saving time in peer-review and preventing retractions.
  • Access to a web app which shows long term trends. This can reveal methods of operation: targeted journals, targeted subject areas and much more.

For more details: contact us , follow our blog and find us on


Clear Skies gratefully acknowledges the services and support of the following organisations and individuals.

  • Helen King, Adrian Stanley LLC, Akabana Consulting LLC, The STM Association, Morressier, Amazon Web Services (AWS), Crossref, OpenAlex, Semantic Scholar, ORCID, Retraction Watch, Elisabeth Bik, Guillaume Cabanac, Smut Clyde, Anna Abalkina, Sholto David, Kevin Patrick (Cheshire).